The true depths of a social media manager

“Can you just stick this on social media?” is probably the worst thing you can say to someone who manages a social media channel.

Social media is an indispensable tool for businesses of all sizes, yet there remain common misconceptions about the role of someone managing it. I’ve known business owners who think the social media managers schedule a bunch of content and that’s it. This view couldn't be further from the truth.

Social media managers are essential in building brand awareness, improving customer engagement, developing and executing strategies, and continuously evaluating and improving content.

One of the primary roles of a social media manager is to increase brand visibility and awareness. They create and curate content that resonates with your target audience, ensuring that your brand is consistently represented across all platforms. According to a study by Hootsuite, 64% of consumers expect brands to connect with them on social media, and businesses that engage with their audience on social platforms see a 20-40% increase in revenue.

Effective customer engagement is crucial for building loyalty and trust. A social media manager interacts with followers, responds to comments and messages, and fosters a sense of community. This active engagement can lead to higher customer satisfaction and retention rates. Research by Sprout Social indicates that 83% of people like it when brands respond to questions on social media. I encourage business owners to do some of this themselves, especially business to business engagement on networking platforms like LinkedIn.

Social media managers don't just post content randomly; they work according to a well-thought-out strategy. This involves understanding your business goals, researching your audience, and analysing market trends. They craft a content calendar that aligns with these goals and adapts as necessary to respond to new developments or changes in strategy. Their work is strategic and goal-oriented, aimed at driving meaningful results for your business. Additionally, they are skilled in creating targeted marketing campaigns that reach your ideal audience.

One of my favourites parts is looking at the analytics and evaluating the performance of the content produced. This involves tracking likes, shares, comments, and click-through rates. These insights refine the approach, ensuring that each piece of content performs better than the last. This continuous improvement process is key to staying relevant and effective in the fast-paced world of social media.

It's crucial for business owners to understand that the value of a social media manager lies not in the individual tasks they perform, but in their expertise and strategic thinking. Their time should not be judged by the number of posts scheduled but by the quality and impact of their work. Social media managers bring a wealth of experience to the table, and their ability to drive engagement and growth is what truly makes them indispensable.

From experience, I know the work is challenging and requires a deep understanding of both the technical aspects of social media and the nuances of human behaviour. Social media managers are strategic thinkers, brand builders, and engagement experts. Understanding and appreciating their role is essential for leveraging the full potential of social media for your business.

Social media management is one of the services offered at Red Rose Media. We ensure consistent and engaging content across all your online profiles and mediums. Our focus on content marketing means that your social media strategy will be integrated with your overall marketing efforts, providing a seamless experience for your audience and driving better results for your business.

If you're ready to take your social media presence to the next level, contact Penny today.


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