Be inspired from these tips, ideas and good examples.

You own a small business, and you think you know what digital marketing is but you’re not really sure why and where to start. I’ll be sharing tips on various topics, examples of good practice, and more about Red Rose Media and how I can help you, or inspire you to achieve your digital marketing goals.

Don’t let AI replace your marketing efforts!
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Don’t let AI replace your marketing efforts!

I’m not the first to share my opinions on AI and marketing, and I won’t be the last. Artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer just a buzzword; it’s a powerful tool that is transforming how we approach marketing. But don’t let it replace the human touch.

There's often a misconception that AI is here to replace us marketers, which couldn’t be further from the truth. Instead, AI is a tool that enhances our capabilities, allowing us to be more creative, efficient, and effective in our work. I’ve blogged some of my experiences so far in my AI journey, and other elements businesses should consider.

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The true depths of a social media manager
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The true depths of a social media manager

“Can you just stick this on social media?” is probably the worst thing you can say to someone who manages a social media channel.

Social media is an indispensable tool for businesses of all sizes, yet there remain common misconceptions about the role of someone managing it. I’ve known business owners who think the social media managers schedule a bunch of content and that’s it. This view couldn't be further from the truth.

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Video marketing myths busted: What you really need to know
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Video marketing myths busted: What you really need to know

Feeling overwhelmed by the demands of digital marketing, especially video content and the thought of being featured? You’re not alone. Many small business owners struggle with finding the time, knowledge, or skills to create engaging videos. The truth is, video marketing can significantly boost your customer conversion rates, and it's not as complicated as it might seem.

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Mastering social media: Top tips for small businesses
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Mastering social media: Top tips for small businesses

There is no doubt that social media is a powerful tool for small businesses to connect with their audience, build a strong community, and drive growth. But you might be wondering how to do it, how to do it better or where to start if you’re a new business.

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Digital doorway for small businesses
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Digital doorway for small businesses

I got asked recently by a small business, why they needed a website. They said they were busy and didn’t really understand the benefit. Having a website for your small business is more than just an option – it's a necessity in today’s digital era. I’ve blogged 10 reasons why your small business needs a website.

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Unlocking the power of accessibility
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Unlocking the power of accessibility

Let's talk about something crucial for your online presence: website accessibility. You might have heard the term before, but what does it really mean and why does it matter for your business?

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Accelerating growth: Why your small business needs a digital marketing agency?
Red Rose Media Red Rose Media

Accelerating growth: Why your small business needs a digital marketing agency?

Picture this: you've crafted a unique product, your service is top-notch, but how do you ensure your target audience knows about it? This is where the expertise of a digital marketing agency steps in. Just as you'd enlist the help of an accountant for your finances or a legal expert for contracts, partnering with a digital marketing agency can be a game-changer for your business.

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Securing success, part 1
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Securing success, part 1

Having a good performing website is crucial for any business, especially a small business trying to compete against the giants of the world. The biggest challenge I often find is people not fully understanding what a good performing website means, and how to develop and maintain one.

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The gift of strategy
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The gift of strategy

What is digital marketing? Why do you need a strategy? And 5 things to include in your digital strategy.

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Let’s start with hello
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Let’s start with hello

Hi, I’m Penny – the person behind Red Rose Media. This is my new freelance business, and I wanted to tell you a bit about myself, and why I’d be a good choice to help you and your business achieve your digital marketing goals.

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Need help to achieve your digital marketing goals?

Red Rose Media offers expert advice and knowledge in all digital marketing aspects for your small/medium business from website to social media, and video to email marketing.