Securing success, part 1

Having a good performing website is crucial for any business, especially a small business trying to compete against the giants of the world. The biggest challenge I often find is people not fully understanding what a good performing website means, and how to develop and maintain one.

Luckily one of my clients, H-Track Ltd, knew their site was not up to scratch even with a marketing company supporting them. The missing gap was the marketing company weren’t specialised in digital marketing. And yes, this does make a difference.

“We were unclear of what we were paying for and were also seeing zero return on the money we were pouring into their business.” – Cheryll, H-Track Ltd

H-Track Ltd offer a range of services and products to keep your vehicle secure with immobilisers, trackers and alarms, a fleet management system and they fit extras like dash cams, heated seats and entertainment systems as well as a remapping service for a better performing experience.

After an initial chat to work out their objectives and current position, we agreed their website had to be the first priority. This was one part of their overall digital marketing strategy – check out my previous blog on 5 things to include in your digital marketing strategy.

I was faced with a site that the client did not like – it was missing information, it didn’t flow, and it wasn’t securing any new work for them. When I performed an online assessment we quickly found out that it was not a good performing site - by this I mean, it did not appear highly, if at all, on a search engine results page, this is when you use a few keywords in a search engine and the engine shows you what it thinks is what you are looking for - and compared to competitors, they were missing out on loads of opportunities.

So, we set to work on agreeing new content, style and format to suit their brand and to meet the needs of their target audience. Creating personas to think really clearly on who their target audience is, was a huge breakthrough – we started with three and even named them. They’ve taken this onboard, and it has become part of their culture for all aspects of the business such as customer service. We uploaded new images, added links between pages to help the flow, performed some basic search engine optimisation (SEO) techniques, incorporated the most common keywords used on vehicle security and, made sure everything was accessible and mobile friendly.

“Penny’s professionalism, knowledge, and reliability are second to none.

“She has a very refreshing, honest yet direct approach but is also very down to earth and relatable. It is obvious that she genuinely loves what she does and cares about your business.” - Cheryll, H-Track Ltd

Before we’d made all the changes we had originally planned, they received their first purchase in their online shop. The best thing about this - the client was so thrilled I had a WhatsApp message early one morning with the news. I was ecstatic for them. And more leads and conversions continued. They saw an increase in the use of their 0345 phone number promoted on the site and their online contact form.

“The proof is in the pudding. 

“We have seen an instant uplift in traffic to our sites, contact from customers and sales since Red Rose Media’s involvement.” – Cheryll, H-Track Ltd

Crucially, their website performance has improved from when we started. The search engine bots will recognise the site more and more and reward them for being accessible with good SEO tactics, meaning they will achieve more conversions and hopefully new and returning customers.

We’ve got more work to do now on their social media platforms, and the next phase of growing their site. I can’t wait to do more with them!

If you are interested in H-Track Ltd and the services they offer, or you just want a noisy at a website I’ve helped develop – take a look at


Accelerating growth: Why your small business needs a digital marketing agency?


The gift of strategy